Restraints cause concern

Restraints cause concern

June 28, 2021

28 June 2021

A youth revealed to us that her concerns about being physically restrained at her group home were not being heard.

Issues: Group home; Physical restraints; Death and Serious Bodily Harm Report (DSBH); Rights (Safety); Rights (Get help)

A youth revealed to us that her concerns about being physically restrained at her group home were not being heard. Our staff learned this while following up with the youth about a report that she had been injured by staff who restrained her (all agencies are required to file reports known as Death and Serious Bodily Harm notifications with our Office).

The youth told us that she understood why she had been restrained in the reported case, but disclosed two previous incidents where she said she had been unable to breathe while she was restrained. She said that the workers had immediately released her when she told them she couldn’t breathe, but she still wanted to meet with her children’s aid society (CAS) worker to discuss her concerns. She told us the CAS worker would not meet with her. We helped the youth file a complaint with her CAS, and as a result of that process, her worker was changed.

Learn more about the Children and Youth Unit which answers questions and takes complaints about child protection services.
Read about how we helped other people in our Selected cases.