Culture change

Culture change

June 28, 2021

28 June 2021

A Black 16-year-old complained that her CAS worker was dismissive of her requests for hair and skin products that met her cultural needs, making her feel like she was being treated differently because of her race.

Issues: Children’s aid society; Black youth; Rights (Identity); Rights (Get help); Rights (Fairness)

A Black 16-year-old complained that her CAS worker was dismissive of her requests for hair and skin products that met her cultural needs, making her feel like she was being treated differently because of her race. After we spoke to a manager at the youth’s CAS, they agreed to make appropriate hair and skin products available, and offered to facilitate a meeting with the youth to discuss her concerns. They committed to including a Black staff person in all meetings with her, to help ensure her cultural needs are being met.* The youth told us she was satisfied with the outcome of the first meeting.

*Under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017, a service provider is required to take identity characteristics such as race, ancestry, colour and ethnic origin into account when providing services.

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