Cold case

Cold case

June 26, 2018

26 June 2018

A man contacted our office after the FRO issued an order to garnish his Old Age Security payments and his federal pension, according to a court order from 1982.

A man contacted our office after the FRO issued an order to garnish his Old Age Security payments and his federal pension, according to a court order from 1982. He disputed his ex-wife’s claim that he owed $62,000 in child support arrears, and noted that the children were now 38 and 42 years old. We worked with staff at the FRO, who recognized that more recent orders had reduced the man’s arrears to just over $4,000. They also decided to close the case and reimburse him $2,000 they had garnished after they were unable to get a response from the ex-wife about when the children had stopped being eligible for support.

Read about how we helped other people in our Selected cases.