November 7, 2018

7 November 2018

Ontario ombudsman offers masterclass in public impact: ‘Our power is in our voice’ (The Mandarin)

Successful legal advocates must not only bring together evidence to successfully make their case, they must also craft a clear argument around a compelling narrative, and the same goes for an ombudsman or public advocate.

October 30, 2018

30 October 2018

Cannabis delivery complaints under review by Office of the Ontario Ombudsman (CTV News)

The Office of the Ontario Ombudsman says it has received complaints over delays in the delivery of cannabis in the province, almost two weeks since the drug was legalized across the country.

April 25, 2018

25 April 2018

Police officer 'gave himself the space and time' in high-stakes arrest: experts (National Post)

Experts say the powerful video of Alek Minassian’s arrest reveals a textbook case of an officer defusing danger through a series of life-and-death choices based on training and a calm mind.

March 14, 2018

14 March 2018

Provincial and university ombuds promote accountability on campus (University Affairs)

Ontario universities came under the provincial ombudsman’s oversight in 2016. The office has since received more than 500 university-related complaints.